If you're a business owner and have been toying with the idea of hiring a Virtual Assistant, this is the blog for you!
My name is Aly, and I've been working in the VA field for several years now, with clients in all different fields across Australia (and some internationally!)
It can be a daunting task when you're getting started, particularly if this is your first venture into outsourcing. Your business is your baby - your blood, sweat, tears and passion have gone into it from the moment of inception to the present day. Finding a Virtual Assistant who is a good match to you and your goals is imperative.
So.. where do you begin? Here are some hints and tips to get you started.
Make a list of what you'd like to outsource
It seems simple, but you'd be surprised by how important this initial step is. By figuring out what you want to outsource, you can figure out the order of importance for each task. This will also help you to estimate the amount of hours each task takes up, which will help you figuring out the hours you need to delegate.
Make a shortlist of VAs
Take a look online and you'll very likely be overwhelmed with choices - since the days of the pandemic, it now seems that every man and his dog has decided to be a Virtual Assistant! Whether you look for a sole trader or prefer to use an agency, there is work out there for everybody.
Hot Tip for hiring: ask your fellow business community for word of mouth referrals, or positive/negative past experiences. Be wary of packages being cheap or appearing 'too good to be true' as the saying can be real: you get what you pay for. Strong English skills and an understanding of your local audience and customer base are essential.
Organise a discovery call
This is such a crucial step! The best Business/VA partnerships happen when there is a clear rapport and understanding between each person. We don't always gel with everyone, and that's okay. A discovery call will put a name to a face, give you time to share your hopes, dreams and goals for your business, as well as hear more about how your VA can work with you to achieve them.
Be prepared to hand over the reigns
While tempting to micromanage and oversee the process like a hawk (especially in the first few months), hiring a Virtual Assistant is like hiring any new employee - it is normal to take some time to find a groove. Schedule in a time to touch base fortnightly/monthly, and ensure that lines of communication are always open. A good Virtual Assistant should fit right in with your business, so that you can step back and focus on other things. It's ok to let go!
Want to find out more about how we can work together in 2024? Pop me an email today, and let's chat!